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C Melody Saxophone Forum / Good Natured Banter / Saxgormet forum

User ID: 8200143
Nov 5th 8:40 AM
Out of interest I joined the saxgourmet forum, does anyone else here contribute to that one ?

There is some good info, but every page has a 'two screen size' full ad for the Steve Goodson LA Sax at the top of it. How subtle can you (not) get...

One could summise that the underlying reason for that forum is to advertise that sax - the forum looks like it's just tacked on below the ad as an afterthought. I know nothing in life is free, no such thing as a free lunch (etc.), BUT.....
DeanoTheSaxman (UK)
User ID: 0053014
Nov 6th 5:53 AM
Every thing comes at a price Alan!
Stacey Bowling
User ID: 9363883
Nov 9th 6:02 PM
I am a registered member of that forum, though I quit posting probably a year ago or more.

You are correct that one of the primary purposes of that forum is to advertise its owners' services and products. It is paid for by the Gourmet, and moderated by the Gourmet and a few close friends, with no apologies. If you voice an opinion there, be aware that it may get deleted, or may even get EDITED so that it looks like you wrote something other than what you actually wrote! (That has actually happened to me.) And be aware that the forum has some automatic search-and-replace filters, such that if you post something on the "list", like for example if you make reference to the "SOTW" forum, the acronym "SOTW" will get automatically replaced by whatever the Gourmet has set up.

Be very cautious before posting anything other than "The Official Party Line" at that forum. I still go there occasionally to read, but I absolutely WILL NOT post anything there, lest my words get twisted or changed.
User ID: 0164614
Nov 17th 9:10 PM
I think he's modified several user's posts over the years...
